Tax Rates

Once the annual municipal budget has been determined, tax rates are determined using the assessment roll provided by MPAC. Tax rates differ between for various tax classes (i.e., residential, industrial, commercial, etc.). 

2024 Property Tax Rates

Urban Tax Rates

Property Class Municipal Education Total
Residential 0.01636136 0.00153000 0.01789136
Multi-Residential - New Multi-Residential 0.01770299 0.00153000 0.01923299
Commercial Occupied/Full Share/New Construction 0.03173563 0.00880000 0.04053563
Commercial - New Construction/Excess Land 0.02221494 0.00880000 0.03101494
Commercial - Vacant Land / Parking Lots 0.02346307 0.00880000 0.03226307
General Rate Only (International Bridge Plaza) 0.03173563 0.00000000 0.03173563
Shopping Centres Occupied- New Construction 0.03368946 0.00880000 0.04248946
Shopping Centre - Excess Land 0.02358262 0.00880000 0.03238262
Office Buildings Occupied - New Construction 0.04411799 0.00880000 0.05291799
Office Building - Excess Land 0.03088259 0.00880000 0.03968259
Industrial Occupied/Full Share/New Construction 0.06825521 0.00880000 0.07705521
Industrial - New Construction - Excess Land - Vacant Land 0.04436589 0.00880000 0.05316589
Large Industrial - Occupied 0.12122308 0.00880000 0.13002308
Large Industrial - Excess Land 0.07879500 0.00880000 0.08759500
Landfills - Occupied 0.03082519 0.00880000 0.03962519
Pipeline 0.03425922 0.00880000 0.04305922
Farm/Managed Forests 0.00409034 0.00038250 0.00447284

Rural Tax Rates

Property Class Municipal Education Total
Residential 0.01553792 0.00153000 0.01706792
Multi-Residential - New Multi-Residential 0.01681203 0.00153000 0.01834203
Commercial Occupied/Full Share/New Construction 0.03011082 0.00880000 0.03891082
Commercial - New Construction/Excess Land 0.02107758 0.00880000 0.02987758
Commercial - Vacant Land / Parking Lots 0.02226180 0.00880000 0.03106180
Shopping Centre - Excess Land 0.02237523 0.00880000 0.03117523
Office Buildings Occupied-New Construction 0.04185923 0.00880000 0.05065923
Office Building - Excess Land 0.02930146 0.00880000 0.03810146
Industrial Occupied/Full Share/New Construction 0.06476067 0.00880000 0.07356067
Industrial - New Construction - Excess Land - Vacant Land 0.04209444 0.00880000 0.05089444
Large Industrial - Occupied 0.11501668 0.00880000 0.12381668
Large Industrial - Excess Land 0.07476084 0.00880000 0.08356084
Landfills - Occupied 0.02927381 0.00880000 0.03807381
Pipeline 0.03253501 0.00880000 0.04133501
Farm/Managed Forests 0.00388448 0.00038250 0.00426698
DOWNTOWN BIA     0.00469431

Tax Rate Documents

Property tax rate data is also available in the spreadsheet friendly CSV format on the City's GitHub.

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Civic Centre - Level 2

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