Ready to roll with automated garbage collection

Thursday, June 27, 2019
The City’s automated garbage collection program begins next week and residents can start using their new green roll-out carts on July 2. Delivery of roll-out carts will continue throughout the end of this week. Notices have been given to those residents whose garbage collection day has changed. With the Canada Day holiday, note that collection will be one day late. Visit to verify your collection day with the new automated garbage collection.
“With any new program, we ask for the community’s patience as we work towards a safer, more environmentally friendly program,” said Susan Hamilton Beach, Director of Public Works. “The automated garbage collection service will provide added convenience for residents, minimize litter on local streets and reduce safety risks for staff during the waste collection process. Roll-out carts are more maneuverable and safer for residents with no carrying or lifting of heavy garbage bags or carts.”
In order for carts to be collected, the automated arm on the garbage truck requires a minimum of one metre (3 feet) of clearance between the cart and any obstacles such as parked cars, poles, leaf and yard waste bags and recycling containers. Carts should be placed on a flat surface near the edge of the curb or at the end of the driveway on collection day with the arrows pointing toward the street. Residents should place their cart out at 7 a.m. to ensure pick-up. Roll-out carts are assigned a specific code associated to the residential address to which it was delivered. Residents are responsible for keeping their cart clean and secure. For additional guidelines, visit
As staff familiarize themselves with the new equipment, there may be a delay in speed of garbage pick-up service for the first few weeks. Residents are asked to keep their bins out on their designated collection day until their garbage has been collected. This may be later in the day than normally expected. For more information contact Public Works at 705-759-5201 or email