Rosedale Park Revitalization Project ground breaking ceremony
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
The City of Sault Ste. Marie is committed to creating a vibrant and attractive parks and recreation system that meets the varying needs of our community and accommodates a range of uses by our citizens. The Rosedale Park Revitalization Project is a multifaceted project, which will provide year-round play opportunities for all ages. As part of this project, trees and benches will be added throughout the park area and a pathway will connect the park to the parking lot, improving accessibility to the site.
City staff and community partners will be hosting a ground breaking ceremony for Phase I of the project,
Date: Thursday, August 11, 2022
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Rosedale Park
Following the ground breaking ceremony, a community BBQ sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore and Kiwanis Club of Sault Ste. Marie will be held from 3 – 6 p.m. All are invited to attend.
The City would like to recognize Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore, Child Care Algoma and Kiwanis Club of Sault Ste. Marie for the donations totaling $140,000. As approved at last night’s Council meeting, an additional donation of $75,500 on behalf of Kiwanis Club Lakeshore Foundation was received for Phase 2 of the project, bringing the new total support to $215,500. For more information or to provide input on the project, contact Jari Pihelgas, Supervisor of Recreation at 705-759-5313 or email