Cemeteries and Crematorium
The City of Sault Ste. Marie operates four cemeteries, along with the only crematorium situated in Sault Ste. Marie (for human remains).
The Cemetery Office is located at 27 Fourth Line East, and through that location, performs all City interments and cremations. In addition, families may receive information regarding grave location and available options.
How do I select and purchase a grave?
Visit the Cemetery Office at 27 Fourth Line East during regular business hours (no appointment necessary). When your selection is made and confirmed, please make an appointment with the City Clerk’s Office (99 Foster Drive) by calling 705-759-5388. Staff will create a contract for the purchase, and if desired, select any additional interment/burial/cremation services. Payment is made to the Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie. Payment options include cash, cheque, debit or e-transfer. Credit cards are not accepted at this time. Alternatively, if working with a funeral home, the family may direct payment, grave selection, and interment instructions through them to the City Clerk’s Office.
Roger Nenonen
Manager, Cemeteries