Committee of Adjustment
Committee of Adjustment matters are administered through the Planning Division and are the responsibility of the Secretary-Treasurer. The committee is composed of five citizen members selected by Council and appointed by by-law for the term of Council.
The two main functions of the Committee of Adjustment are to consider
Minor Variance and
Consent applications. A minor variance is required if an owner of land wishes to deviate slightly from the standards set out in the zoning by-law or wishes to alter a legal non-conforming use or building location. A consent is a request to sell (sever) or mortgage a portion of land or enter into an agreement/lease for a period of 21 years or more. There are also other circumstances in which a consent from the Committee of Adjustment may be required. Your lawyer can help you to determine if a consent is necessary.
The requirement for a severance helps to ensure that development occurs in a controlled and orderly way, and that proper servicing is in place to accommodate it.
Facts you need to know:
A site plan/survey and drawings must be submitted with the completed application.
Total processing time is approximately two months.
Each application will involve a public meeting where the applicant will be required to explain and support the application.
A verbal decision will be rendered at the public hearing and a written decision will be sent no later than ten days from the date the decision was rendered.
Each decision is subject to appeal.
Notices of current applications are posted on the
Corporate Calendar located on this website.
Application forms are available online and may also be obtained in the Planning Division, Civic Centre - Level 5.
For inquiries or assistance regarding Committee of Adjustment applications, please contact Michelle Kelly, Secretary-Treasurer, at 705-759-5411 or email