Fire Services
Sault Ste. Marie Fire Services is comprised of four divisions including: Fire Suppression, Fire Prevention and Public Education, Support Services, and Community Emergency Management.
The Sault Ste. Marie Fire Service is a proud partner within our community that provides exceptional service through prevention, education, protection and wellness.
Response capabilities include the following:
Structural and wild land fires
Ice rescue
Confined space rescue
Vehicle extrication
Hazardous materials responses
Tiered emergency medical response
Fire prevention and public education
Emergency preparedness
Ontario Fire Code enforcement
Investigation for origin and cause of all fires
Maintenance of Fire Service's apparatus and equipment
Resources are deployed from four strategically located Response Centres to provide the community with optimum response times.
The Sault Ste. Marie Fire Service is committed to provide effective and efficient emergency service in a caring manner to create a safe community.
Peter Johnson
Fire Chief