Residents asked to leave Leaf and Yard Waste Collection curbside
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
The City’s Public Works department reminds residents the annual leaf and yard waste collection program is ending for the season.
The final two weeks of leaf and yard waste collection are weather permitting (week of November 18 collection A and week of November 12 collection B). During this time, leaf and yard waste collection will be ongoing with crews working beyond designated garbage days to pick up bags. Residents are asked to leave their bags curbside as the volume of bags this time of year requires some routes to return the following day.
Leaf and yard waste consists of leaves, grass clippings, and garden waste that is turned into compost. All animal waste and branches must be removed. Only biodegradable paper bags will be accepted. The landfill also collects Leaf and Yard Waste in compostable paper bags (user fees apply). The landfill does accept brush, branches, trees and wood at the designated brush dump area.
The City thanks residents for their patience during this time. For more information, visit or call Public Works at 705-759-5201.