Open House: Building Permit Fees
Monday, November 22, 2021
A public Zoom Meeting will take place for the purpose of reviewing the proposed increase to the City of Sault Ste. Marie’s building permit fees. In order to keep the fee in line with actual services costs, a fee increase is proposed effective January 1, 2022.
The Zoom Open House will occur:
When: Tuesday December 14, 2021
Time: 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Location: 2021 Open House will occur through Zoom.
For individuals who wish to join the presentation of the new fee schedule please RSVP to Staff will forward you the link for access into the Zoom meeting.
This open house will provide information on the following:
The annual 2020 fee report showing costs of operations relating to permit issuance and building code enforcement.
The proposed new 2.0 % fee structure and the implementation of a new projected 5 year plan
The rationale for the fee increase.