City and Police Services unveil new pedestrian crossover facilities
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Ontario Traffic Manual on Pedestrian Crossing Facilities has introduced four new pedestrian crossover facilities for municipalities to use to enhance pedestrian safety. These new crossing treatments will allow pedestrians to cross roads under a greater number of conditions and will provide municipalities with a more cost effective pedestrian crossover solution.
“Based on the City’s traffic conditions, Type B, Level 2 pedestrian crossovers will be adopted. The new crossovers utilize a painted ladder pavement markings that identify the crossing area, outline a clear place for motorists and cyclists to stop and provide roadside signs, flashing lights and overhead signage,” said Carl Rumiel, Manager Design, Transportation and Engineering.
When approaching the crossover, motorists and cyclists must come to a complete stop when pedestrians push the button to indicate they want to cross the road. All traffic must remain stopped until pedestrians reach the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road. Pedestrians must cross only at marked crossovers and wait for traffic to stop before crossing. If a vehicle proceeds to drive directly behind a pedestrian as they are walking across the road, this would be an offense under the Highway Traffic Act and motorists can be charged.
“The penalties for drivers who endanger pedestrians include fines of $365 and four demerit points for drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians at crossovers. Both motorists and cyclists will face the same penalties,” said Sgt. Ray Magnan, Sault Ste. Marie Police Services.
Beginning Wednesday, November 6 pedestrian crossovers locations will include Queen Street East at Churchill Boulevard and Wellington Street West at Beverly Street. Two additional locations will be installed later this year that include St. Georges Avenue near St. Basil Catholic School and Bay Street at Spring Street.
For more information, visit or contact the City’s Engineering and Construction department at 705-574-1016.