City provides reopening reference guide to local businesses

Friday, May 15, 2020
As part of Stage 1 of the reopening framework, the Ontario government has announced the retailers, seasonal businesses and health and community service providers that will be permitted to open or expand their services on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 12:01 a.m.
In preparation for the safe reopening of the community, the City of Sault Ste. Marie’s Economic Development team and the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre have prepared a reopening reference guide. Reopening Business the “Smart, Safe and Responsible Way” document can be accessed here. The comprehensive protocols in the document are from the Federal and Provincial governments and Algoma Public Health, and have been compiled in one document as the Province sets out its path in its reopening efforts.
“The information in this document will help businesses serve customers and accommodate employees. This resource will continue to be updated as the situation changes. We encourage all businesses to stay connected and follow best practices to ensure we can return to business in a safe way,” said Tom Vair, Deputy CAO, Community Development and Enterprise Services.
“We all want to return to our regular lives, and to get to that point we must continue to follow the advice and guidance of government leaders and health care professionals. It is paramount that we take the necessary precautions during this reopening period. The last thing we want is for the virus to grow during this phase,” said Mayor Christian Provenzano.
The information from the Provincial government is subject to change once the regulation has been published. For more information, please continue to contact the City’s business hotline at 705-574-2030 or e-mail The City will also host another business teleconference on Thursday May 21 at 9:15 a.m. to provide an update on new support programs for businesses that are available during this time. More details to follow.