Information session to discuss Queen Street and Spring Street improvements
Monday, June 20, 2022
As part of the downtown revitalization plan, City staff are proposing to resurface Queen Street (from Pim Street to Gore Street and Spring Street from Queen Street to St. Mary’s River Drive) beginning in 2023. A number of streetscape improvements such as lighting, landscaping and benches are being planned.
City staff are hosting a public information session regarding the Queen Street and Spring Street improvements. The session will provide an opportunity to review and offer feedback on matters such as tree and landscaping plans, patio and activity spaces, bench locations, accessibility and more. Join us as we continue to enhance our downtown streetscape.
Date: Wednesday, June 22
Time: 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (drop-in anytime)
Location: Downtown Association Office (496 Queen Street East)
All are welcome to attend the public information session and share comments and suggestions with City staff. For more information or to provide input on the project, contact Carl Rumiel, Director of Engineering at 705-759-5379 or email