Mayor's Youth Advisory Council unveils Youth Art Gala video

Wednesday, July 7, 2021
The Mayor's Youth Advisory Council (MYAC) is pleased to release the 2021 Youth Art Gala production, available on YouTube at:
As an alternative to an in-person event, the fifth annual MYAC Youth Art Gala is being released as a video to ensure local youth are provided with a means to showcase their talents to the community. It features visual art, poetry and a musical performance.
“I encourage people to watch the video. It is a great display of local talent,” said Mayor Christian Provenzano. “I want to recognize the members of MYAC who worked really hard behind the scenes to facilitate the production in the midst of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. It takes a lot of hard work to organize and produce the video, and I encourage people to support the efforts of MYAC and of the talented artists, writers and performers by watching the video.”
The video includes:
Visual art
Le-Yu Freya Dai
Jay Rector
Emma Broadbent
Rayna Bertelsen
Rowan Gordon
Cailey Willett
Marijke A.
Emma Dobrovnik
Joel and Jophin Shaju
Lily Masse
“Sault Ste. Marie is home to a lot of gifted youth, and the Youth Art Gala provides an opportunity for them to share their talents with the community. I want to thank all of the people that contributed to the video, and I hope everyone enjoys it,” said Emma Marttinen, MYAC member.