Queen Street Improvement Project – Traffic Control Updates
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
The Queen Street improvement project is nearing completion for this season, and final adjustments to traffic control measures will be implemented shortly. This includes the following:
Spring street and Queen street
The temporary all-way stop will be removed
A new Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) will be installed
The intersection will transition to a two-way stop, with Spring Street controlled by a stop sign and Queen Street maintaining the right-of-way
Brock Street and Queen Street
The temporary all-way stop will be removed
Traffic signals at this intersection will be activated to regulate traffic flow
Motorists and pedestrians are advised to approach these intersections with caution. The City of Sault Ste. Marie thanks its citizens for their patience and cooperation throughout this construction project. With seasonal work now complete, updates will resume in the spring when construction resumes. Visit