Pedestrian Crossovers


What is a Pedestrian Crossover?

A Pedestrian Crossover (“PXO”) is a type of traffic control implemented at low-medium speed and volume intersections intended to allow pedestrians to safely cross the road. It is designated area where all vehicles must yield to the pedestrian intending to cross the road.

Motorists and cyclists must stop behind the yield line and wait until the pedestrian completely crosses the road before proceeding. All road users must obey pedestrian crossover rules, or will be subject to penalties. It is the responsibility of both drivers and pedestrians to understand and follow the rules at all Pedestrian Crossovers.

Identifying a Pedestrian Crossover

The City of Sault Ste. Marie has installed Type B Pedestrian Crossovers identified by:

  • Lines that mark the crossing area.
  • Clear place for motorists and cyclists to stop.
  • Roadside signs, flashing lights and overhead signs.

Crossover Crosswalk
Always have “ladder” style stripes that mark the crossing area. 
Sometimes have “ladder” style stripes that mark the crossing area. 
Always have roadside signage that says “Stop for Pedestrians.”
Found at a regular traffic signal, stop sign, school crossing or other intersection. 
Always have permanent markings to show where cars and cyclists must stop.  Vehicles and cyclists must obey the traffic signals and pedestrians must obey the crossing signals located at each crosswalk.
Type B will have lights and overhead signage. Motorists do not have to wait for pedestrians to cross the full width before driving. 
Motorists must wait for pedestrians to cross the entire width of the road before driving.


Fines, Penalties for Crossover Infractions 

The penalties for drivers who endanger pedestrians have increased. These include higher fines and more demerit points for drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians at crossovers, as well as new penalties for drivers who are convicted of careless driving causing death or bodily harm.

When operating a motor vehicle, cyclists will face the same penalties as drivers. The law requires cyclists to stop and yield to pedestrians.

Failure to yield at a Pedestrian Crossover will be subject to a fine of up to $1000 and four demerit points. Fines will be doubled in community safety zones- near schools and public areas. These areas are clearly marked with signs.

Responsibilities of Pedestrians

  • Cross only at marked crossovers.
  • Do not cross in the middle of the block or between parked cars. 
  • Wait for traffic to stop before crossing.
  • Make eye contact with drivers.
  • Make sure drivers see you before you cross.
  • Continue to watch drivers as you cross.
  • Wear bright or light coloured clothing or reflective wear, especially at dusk or when it’s dark.

Responsibilities of Drivers

  • Be prepared to stop for pedestrians.
  • Slow down when you approach the crossover signs and markings.
  • Stop behind the yield line.
  • Do not pass any other vehicle within 30 meters before a pedestrian crossover.
  • Make eye contact to ensure the pedestrian sees you.
  • Wait until the pedestrian completely crosses the road before proceeding.
  • Be patient, especially with seniors or pedestrians with disabilities who need more time to cross the road.
  • Watch out for Community Safety Zone signs that indicate areas where public safety is a special concern.

Responsibilities of Cyclists

  • Cyclists will face the same responsibilities and fines as drivers.
  • When riding with traffic, follow rules for drivers.
  • When crossing, follow rules for pedestrians; dismount and walk your bike across.

Tips for Parents

  • Show your children how to cross a road safely.
  • Stay to the side of the road, walking as far away from traffic as you can.
  • Stop at the edge of the sidewalk and ensure to look both ways before crossing.
  • Be extra cautious on roadways that have no curbs.
  • Be on guard for blind corners.

Pedestrian Crossover Locations

  • Queen Street East and Churchill Boulevard
  • Wellington Street West and Beverley Street
  • St. Georges Avenue near St. Basil Catholic School
  • Bay Street and Spring Street
  • Queen Street near Esposito Park
  • Bay Street at Pim Street
  • Goulais Avenue at Rushmere Drive
  • Pine Street at Pleasant Drive
  • Carmen's Way at Albert Street

If you have any questions or concerns regarding PXO’s, feel free to contact Carl Rumiel, Director of Engineering at or 705-759-5379.

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