

Like many municipalities across Canada and Ontario, the supply and affordability of adequate housing has emerged as a critical challenge in Sault Ste. Marie. The City is projected to experience population growth over the next two decades, which is anticipated to significantly impact housing demand. 
The Planning Department, with significant input from partners, have examined current and future demand through a Housing Needs Assessment, established a Housing Action Plan, and is developing a new Housing Community Improvement Plan to implement several actions of the Housing Action Plan. 

Housing Needs Assessment

The Planning Department has undertaken a Housing Needs Assessment to review and quantify current and future needs in the local housing system. It contains the most up to date data on population, household sizes and types, local housing stock, as well as an analysis on housing supply, demand, and affordability. Population and housing projections up to 2036 are included to assist in determining the future housing needs for the community.

Housing Needs Assessment 

Housing Action Plan

The Housing Action Plan describes the City-led strategies and actions that will facilitate an increase in housing supply and achieve the provincially assigned housing target.
The Vision statement of the Plan is “that all residents of the City have equitable access to housing that is safe, adequate, and affordable.” The Plan includes five goals to achieve this vision:
  1. Increase the housing supply to meet demand and address affordability issues; 
  2. Streamline the approvals process; 
  3. Collaborate and build partnerships with housing stakeholders; 
  4. Seek out funding, engage in planning and monitoring; and 
  5. Educate the public on housing challenges and increase awareness of the Plan.

Housing Community Improvement Plan 

The intent of the Housing CIP is to increase Sault Ste. Marie's inventory of housing stock, including affordable rental accommodations. This will benefit both local residents and support current initiatives to attract significant investment to the community. 

Housing Community Improvement Plan

Housing Community Improvement Project Area Map

Per Door Grant

Provides a one-time grant for small-scale developments that create up to 4 new units. This includes adding units within a home (ex: basement suite), on a property (ex: garden suite), or any new development (ex: 4-plex) 
The goal is to promote diverse housing types, sizes, and ownership options while increasing affordable housing, specifically missing middle housing. Successful applicants will be required to enter into an agreement with the City to ensure the housing remains affordable as per the requirements set out in the program’s eligibility criteria. 

Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG)

Provides an annual grant to reimburse the municipal portion of tax increases resulting from residential development of 5 or more units. 

Sault Foundations Grant

Offers a grant to fund studies that assess the feasibility of building “missing middle” housing on a property owned by a not-for-profit agency. 
Please see https://publicinput.ca/v5123 for more information.

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