Plastic By-law FAQ

What are single-use plastics?
Single-use plastics are plastics that are produced to be disposable; in other words, used once and tossed away.
What item are banned in the by-law?
  • Plastic checkout bags: plastic manufactured bag used at checkout for purchased goods 
  • Plastic Cutlery: plastic manufactured in the shape of a fork, knife, spoon, spork or chopstick and includes stir-sticks or swizzle sticks make out of plastic.
  • Plastic Straws: plastic manufactured in shaped of a drinking straw. 
  • Plastic Foodservice Ware: includes a plastic clamshell container, lidded container, box, cup, plate or bowl designed for serving or transporting food or beverages. (Note - plastic water bottles or other recyclable plastic container are not included)
When will be by-law come to effect?
  • Checkout Bags will be fully banned by November 15, 2022.
  • Plastic cutlery and straws, plastic foodservice ware will be fully banned by February 8, 2023.
  • The enforcement and fees will be applied and come to effect by August 8th, 2023
Are there any exception in the by-law?
 The by-law does not apply to plastics that:
  • Hold loose bulk item such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains or candy
  • Packaged small hardware items
  • Containers or wrapped frozen foods, meat, poultry and fish
  • Protect prepared foods or bakery items that are not pre-packaged
  • Transport live fish
  • Protect clothing or linens after professional laundering or dry cleaning
  • Packaged medical supplies and items used in the provision of health services
  • Plastics that protect tires that do not fit in reusable bags and collect and dispose of animal waste
  • Plastic straws in hospital and other medical or care facility, they may sell plastic straws to patients or residents
What are the penalties?
$500 and in case of continuing or multiple offences, $500 each day or each included offence up to limit of $10,000.




99 Foster Drive
Sault Ste. Marie, ON
P6A 5X6