Statement of Integrity

Statement of Commemorative Integrity (1957)

Ermatinger Old Stone House

Ermatinger House

This house, built by Charles Ermatinger of the North West Company between 1814 and 1823, is the oldest surviving house in North Western Ontario. Constructed when Sault Ste. Marie was still a small fur trading post on the Upper Lakes, this fine house soon became the centre of the districts business and social life, and was noted by such visitors as Lord Selkirk, Anna Jameson, Sir John Richardson, Paul Kane and George Catlin.

It served briefly in 1870 as a headquarters for Col. Garnet Wolseley while his troops were passing through to the Red River.

In dealing with the proposal for the preservation of the building known as the Old Stone House at Sault Ste. Marie the following National historic aspects of the old residence were considered by the members of the Board:
  1. Its builder, Charles Oakes Ermatinger, was an active partner of the North West Company Old Stone House, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. (Continued)
  2. Ermatinger in 1812 had led a party of volunteers under Captain Roberts in the Capture of Michilimackinac which secured the North Country for the British and was a powerful factor in bringing about the surrender, by Hull, of Detroit in August, 1812.
  3. This house was headquarters of Sir Garnet Wolseley in 1870 when stopping at the Soo while his troops were moved above the rapids en route to Red River.
  4. The house became the centre of the business and social life of the whole district and entertained such residents or visitors as Henry R. Schoolcroft, Lord Selkirk, Mrs. Anna Jameson, George Catlin, Sir John Richardson, Paul Kane.

Moved by Father D'Eschambault
Seconded by Mr. Bazin

That the Old Stone House at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario be declared of National historic importance.


Statement of Commemorative Integrity

Francis Hector Clergue

March 1, 1991


(1856 - 1939)

A Maine-born promoter, Clergue transformed Sault Ste. Marie into a major industrial centre. He purchased an unfinished hydroelectric station and canal at the Sault in 1894; then, lacking markets for his electric power, he created his own interdependent industries, which included Sault Ste. Marie Pulp and Paper (now St. Marys Paper), Canadian Copper Company (now part of INCO), Algoma Steel and Algoma Central Railway. Clergue rebuilt the North West Company magazine as a blockhouse and used it as his residence and office during his early years in Sault Ste. Marie.

Upon reconvening at 2:00 p.m. the Board turned to Items for the Consideration of the Full Board, beginning with:

Francis Hector Clergue (1856 - 1939)

The members of the Board were not unanimous in the opinion that Francis Hector Clergue was of significance at the National level; however following a vote, it was recommended that:

"Francis Hector Clergue is of National historic significance and should be commemorated by means of a plaque in Sault Ste. Marie".

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Sault Ste. Marie, ON
P6A 5X6
