Amendments and Applications

If a proponent wishes to develop land differently than the Official Plan prescribes, they may make an application for an Official Plan Amendment.

If an applicant wishes to develop a property in a manner that deviates from the current zoning provisions, they must apply for a Zoning By-law Amendment (or rezoning). For example, a change of use from residential to commercial would require a Zoning By-law Amendment.

If you believe you may need an Official Plan or Zoning By-law Amendment, you should arrange a pre-application consultation with City planning staff to determine if an amendment is in fact needed, if the proposed development is appropriate for the site, or if there is another way in which the development could be accomplished. The purpose of the consultation is to implement the "Municipal Plan Review" process established by the Provincial Government, in order to review any Municipal or Provincial concerns at the beginning of the approvals process.

If it is determined that an amendment to the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law is required, you should submit the application form(s), along with the appropriate fee(s). The application is circulated to City departments and required public bodies for comment. Public notice of the application is published in the Sault Star and mailed to neighbours within 120 metres of the subject property.

Once all comments have been received, the Planning Division prepares a report to City Council with a recommendation to approve or refuse the application.

If Council approves the proposed amendment, it will pass a by-law which will be circulated to give interested parties the chance to appeal. An appeal period is provided for, once notice of passing of the by-law has been given. If no appeals are received by the end of the appeal period, the amendment becomes law.

If Council refuses the application, you may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.

Application Forms, Guides, and Fees

Application for Rezoning and Official Plan Amendment - Application Process Steps

Application for Site Plan Control - Application Process Steps

Site Plan Control Amendment Form

Subdivision and Condominium Application Form - Application Process Steps

Subdivision and Condominium Instruction Guide

Application Fee Schedule/Deferred Application Fee Schedule

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